10 Ways to Protect Your Peace
6 min read
Protect That Peace, Sunshine!
Life is really hard. Like unnecessarily hard. Whatever challenges you may be facing right now, I absolutely hear you. Being in tough situations isn’t easy and when that happens, you sometimes forget to take care of yourself.
In this world, we are now constantly surrounded with the phrase “protecting your peace.” It is brave to get yourself through rough patches, but it is even more brave to keep yourself in check during those times.
This is a trait I admire and want to master as I grow older. I could spend hours writing about this because it is something I am very passionate about and am working on myself. But for now, I have made a quick outline of how to start growing in this area.
1. Set Clear Boundaries
You know you. You know what makes you feel comfortable and what doesn’t. Never hesitate to put up boundaries between anyone. This includes family, friends, coworkers, etc.
It can be intimidating to do this, and I completely understand because I feel the same way. A great way to set up boundaries is to start by saying, “I am uncomfortable with (blank), but I am comfortable with (blank).” Or you can just cut that sentence right in half.
Present yourself as kind and respectful, but stern and honest. I remember I did this awhile back with an old friend and it actually went well. I told this friend that I felt disrespected because of their actions, and I wanted them to stop so we could continue our friendship.
They actually stopped right in their tracks and apologized to me. I was shocked when the actions that were causing me hurt stopped because that wasn’t a reaction I was used to.
It took me awhile to get to this point without visibly being angered or lashing out at the person. And of course, I am still human, sometimes my emotions get the best of me (even still today).
But what do you do if someone doesn’t respect your boundaries? I guess the answer differs from person to person. Some people like to disconnect entirely from people with constant disrespect, others find it hard to disconnect, and sometimes people just want space for a bit.
All of these are valid actions when there is disrespect thrown into the mix. You just have to remember that your peace comes first and if you feel imbalanced, it is time for a change.
2. It is OK to Change Your Mind
Changing your mind is seen as something to be ashamed for in our generation. Why? I couldn’t tell you. As humans, we are constantly evolving and changing – including our brains.
Say you wake up one morning and want a full makeover, style change, and dye your hair a vibrant color. Do it!!! Who cares? This brings you a step closer into finding out who you really are.
You miss an old friend you haven’t spoken to in years? Reach out. Chances are, they feel the same way. If they don’t, that is OK too.
Allow that part of yourself in because if you don’t, you will never be able to live up to the fullest extent of who you really are.
3. Be Kind to Your Mind
Practice positive talk towards your mind and body. Wherever you are at in your journey, be gentle with yourself. Tell that brain of yours that you love it, and it is smarter than it ever has been.
I remember when I first started doing this, I just felt stupid. I mean, I really just jumped in and started talking to myself in the mirror, which felt so taboo.
But think about it, you have thousands of conversations with yourself daily. Don’t you think you owe it to yourself to throw a few nice sentences in there?
You can start with saying things like, “I am exactly where I need to be and I am doing wonderful,” or “you handled that really well, nice work,” or “how are you doing? What can I do to change those negative feelings that I am having?”
Your mind and body are your home. Be kind.
4. Steer Clear of Negativity
Easier said than done, I know that. But no matter how fast or slow you cut those things out, you will feel so much better after you do. It could be a person, a job, or whatever is fueling a nasty feeling inside of you, get rid of it. It does not belong there.
I will share this in hopes that it can help anyone in a situation like this. I went through something recently where I was breaking as a person because of the toxicity I was surrounded with. I thought about doing what was right for me for years before I actually parted with it.
When I finally was brave enough to do so, I felt all of the negativity leaving not just my mind, but my body. It was as if a weight had just been lifted off of me that I never knew was there.
You may or may not be at that step but take it day by day. It is easy for some and for others it just isn’t. I believe in you!
5. Be Honest with Yourself and Others
Understanding how something makes you feel is a skill. Being honest about it with yourself is the next tier above understanding it. It is important to address how you are feeling and acknowledge it.
This ties in with setting boundaries. If you don’t like something that is directly affecting you, say it. Don’t worry about other people or how they may take it, you are in charge of your feelings and yours alone.
This applies to everything that happens in your daily life as well. The most important thing I learned years ago was to tell the truth always, no matter how much it may hurt others. The weight of guilt is much heavier than telling the truth.
I have actually become so used to telling the truth that I get the “you are too blunt,” comment quite a bit. So, for me, I am trying to dial it back a little bit. Find that common ground and speak your truth when you need to.
6. Talk Yourself Through Stressful Times
Giving yourself a pep talk is like having your own little cheerleader. Speaking words of encouragement to yourself can you bring you back down from a stressful situation.
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