100 Things to Do When You Are Bored | For Young Adults

100 Things to Do When You Are Bored | For Young Adults

 11 min read

When life seems to slow down, it can feel easy to feel “bored.” While most of us were taught to just “deal with it”, some of us just can’t stand the feeling.

It is OK to feel that way and to try to find things to do to occupy our bodies and minds. If you are anything like me, you love to try different activities, crafts, hobbies, etc.

I also tend to be picky when ideas are thrown out right in front of me. So, I encourage you to keep an open mind as you filter through this list and pick out at least 3 things you would be willing to try. From physical activities, to crafts, to cleaning, I hope you can find what you are looking for!

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The Master List!

1. Learn How to Crochet

I highly recommend learning this skill at some point in your life… it is a great stress reliever and weirdly relaxing (once you get the hang of it. Here is one of the best YouTube tutorials I followed when I first started learning.

Click here

2. Craft Your Own Home Decor

3. Try Out New Makeup Products

I LOVE trying new makeup brands. Recently, I have been obsessed with Millie Bobby Brown’s new mascara. It’s a little pricey but totally worth it. Below are some makeup brands I love that you should check out if this is something that interests you.

Florence by Mills – Millie Bobby Brown

Avon (I picked out some of my favorite products on here for you to choose from)

Wet n Wild

Ulta … If you can’t choose and want to surf the website a bit:)

4. Explore a New Hiking Trail

5. Take a Pilates Class

6. Create Your Own Yoga Routine

Or….. You can spice it up and take a hot yoga class. I have been meaning to try one, sounds really intriguing. 

7. Build a DIY Projector

Here are some great tutorials to get you started!

Click here

Click here

Click here

8. Start a YouTube Channel

9. Write Letters to Your Favorite Brands

I included this idea because I have seen so many people post videos about them writing to their favorite brands for their birthdays, Christmas, or even because they just fancy the brand. Sometimes brands reach out giving their thanks with a little gift in return. I say, it is definitely worth a try!

10. Create New Playlists

You can choose to create a playlist based on music you already listen to or new genres. I think that sometimes we need a new shuffle in our music mix.

11. Clean the Inside and Outside of Your Phone

Time to clean out that camera roll of yours! Delete old emails, messages, voicemails, and apps you just don’t use anymore. Reorganize that home screen. But also, clean your physical phone because that thing is covered in nasty germs.

I truly believe our immunity to germs has gone up since having smartphones. They say that public toilet seats are covered with less gunk than our phones (which, gross)! But still, something weird for you to think on. 

12. Start a New Show

Here are my top 5 favorite shows to get you started:

  1. Breaking Bad
  2. Jane the Virgin
  3. Emily in Paris
  4. Sex and the City
  5. The Vampire Diaries

13. Listen to a Podcast

14. Cook a New Meal 

Pinterest has some amazing recipes to follow to get you started. I am a fairly new adult, and my parents did teach me how to cook. But there is nothing more satisfying than learning how to cook new meals that you have never had before. 

15. Do a Puzzle

Throw on a comfort movie or your favorite show and get to work. It is always surprising to me how lost people (including myself) can get in doing a puzzle. 

16. Revamp the Furniture in Your House

Take that old rusty coffee table and throw some fun paint on there! Who is going to tell you no? Make it your own! It is yours!!

17. Rearrange Your Room

Pretend you are a kid again and want to move your entire room around. Go through some old things. Donate and throw away. 

18. Create a Vision Board

19. Learn a New Language

20. Learn to Juggle

Click here for a tutorial

21. Color While Watching a Movie

It doesn’t really matter if it is a little kid’s coloring book or an adult coloring book. Personally, I find joy in coloring in both lol. Give her a try!

22. Create a Time Capsule

Here are some ideas to add into your capsule

  1. Your favorite meal
  2. Your favorite band/musician
  3. Your favorite hobby at the moment
  4. A goal you want to reach by the time you open your capsule
  5. Something you are proud of yourself for
  6. Something that scares you that you want to accomplish by the time you open the capsule
  7. Your perfume scent that you wear now
  8. Your favorite pajama pants at the moment
  9. Your drink of choice (alcohol or not)
  10. A walk through of your day-to-day life

23. Start a Blog

24. Give Yourself a Spa Day

  1. Do a hair mask
  2. Moisturize
  3. Do a face mask
  4. Do a foot mask
  5. Use a gua sha
  6. Mani and Pedi

25. Learn to Brew Your Own Coffee or Tea

Brew your own coffee tutorial

Brew your own tea tutorial

26. Do Some Candle Making

Candle making kit

27. Learn to Dance

28. Make Your Own Clothes


29. Make Your Own Soap


30. Make Your Own Jewelry


31. Learn Calligraphy


32. Create Your Own Recipe Book

33. Make Your Own Perfume


34. Make Homemade Pasta


35. Follow a Bob Ross Painting Tutorial

In the Midst of Winter

Arctic Beauty

Valley View

36. Visit and Support Your Local Farmers’ Market

37. Go Camping!

38. Disconnect From Your Phone for 24 hours+

39. Take a Pottery Class

40. Make Your Own Clay Figures at Home

Use some model magic and once it dries you can paint it whatever colors you would like! Or… get the colored clay!

Model Magic

41. Learn to Play an Instrument

42. Learn to Make Your Own Chocolate


43. Create a Scrapbook 

44. Visit a Botanical Garden 45. Create a Personalized Planner

46. Make Your Own Kombucha


47. Make Your Own Bath Bombs


48. Write a Letter to Future Children, Grandchildren, Spouses, Friends etc…

Keep it in a very special space where it will be protected and give the letters out when you feel the time is right. You could include pieces of advice, wisdom, or even just something that you want them to know. 

49. Visit a Local Observatory

50. Start a Garden

51. Build a Bird Feeder


52. Create Your Own Bucket List

53. Write Your Own Novel

54. Try “Food Pairing” Experiments

Get your hands dirty in the kitchen (not literally)! Try pairing different ingredients that you haven’t before and see if you would do it again for future meals. 

55. Try Different Restaurants and Review Them on Yelp

56. Throw Out and Replace Old Makeup

Florence by Mills – Millie Bobby Brown

Avon (I picked out some of my favorite products on here for you to choose from)

Wet n Wild

Ulta … If you can’t choose and want to surf the website a bit:)

57. Color Code Your Closet

58. Donate Old Items/Clothes

59. Write Down Every Single Thing You Question About the Universe

60. Write Cute Notes on Sticky Notes for Random People 

For example: go to your local library and stick kind notes in a lot of different popular books. You have no idea how much a person’s day can change by receiving a special kind reminder. 

61. Design a Small-Scale Model of a City, House, Park, Library etc…

62. Start a Personal Research Project

63. Learn How to Whittle


64. Learn How to Knit


65. Create a Terrarium 

Go to your local craft store and pick out some glass enclosures. Find some fake (or real) plants, gather some cool stones, and arrange how you would like!

66. Sell Old Things Online



Or even on Facebook marketplace!

67. Learn How to Do Latte Art


68. Take a Fancy Bubble Bath

Get some candles going, glass of wine, and maybe even a charcuterie board! Read a book, watch a show, or listen to your favorite relaxing music. 

Allow yourself to enter a relaxed state of mind.

69. Give Yourself a Mani and Pedi

70. Have a Dance Party

71. Decorate Plain Mugs

72. Create Your Own Bouquet (Real or Not)

73. Build a Fort

Coziest Blanket Fort Ever

74. Create a Dream Journal

This could be taken either way, so let me explain the idea. Create a journal dedicated to writing down the dreams you had the night before. OR you can write down your dreams, goals, and aspirations in life. 

75. Clean Out Your Pantry/Fridge

Throw out the expired spices, old peanut butter, wipe down every surface in the fridge and the pantry. Give your kitchen the TLC it wants and deserves. 

76. Deep Clean the Garbage Cans in Your House

I never think to do this in my regular cleaning regimen, but it must get done. And, you won’t have a stinky garbage!

77. Call a Loved One

Let them know you are thinking of them and that you love them very much:)

78. Stretch Your Body

79. Binge a TV Series

80. Take a Walk

81. Practice Gratitude

82. Have a Bonfire

83. Plan a Vacation

84. Try a New Hairstyle

85. Learn How to Tie Different Types of Knots

7 Essential Knots You Need To Know

86. Create a New Mocktail

Experiment with beverages in your home or go get some! 

87. Dig Out Old Photos!

Take a trip down memory lane that is sure to make you smile!

88. Try Out a New Coffee Shop

89. Update Your Resume

90. Dust Your Entire House

Bust out that lemon oil and a new rag and go to town. Your house will look shiny, and the dust bunnies can go bye-bye!

91. Reorganize Your Bathroom

It is so easy for things to get cluttered in the bathroom, so this is a great way to declutter. While you reorganize, you will probably feel the need to clean and get rid of things that have no use anymore. 

92. Weed Your Property

93. Purge Through Your Shoes

94. Go Through Your Hoarding Pile

You know… the mail piling up in the corner of your house?? Go through it! Get rid of it!

95. Paint Rooms in Your House

Give your house a new sparkle that it hasn’t had before. Change is good, get creative!

96. Dye Your Hair

97. Do Your Grocery Shopping at an Ethnic Grocery Store

I challenge you to shop at an ethnic store near you and use groceries from there for a week. Try to learn different new recipes with ingredients you have never tried before.

98. Try Origami

Origami Dinosaur

99. Start the 75-Day Hard Challenge

100. Learn Self Defense

Take a class or watch tons of YouTube videos on this skill. It is a crucial thing to learn, and it is always good to be prepared for the unknown!




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